Recognizing Changes in Your Body After The Birth of a Child

Recognizing Changes in Your Body After The Birth of a Child

Some of the most important physiological and bio-chemical changes occur in the post-partum phase of a women’s life.  Yet, few women and their physicians know the proper way to respond to the changes.  The most commonly talked about elements and experiences discussed by many are post-partum depression.  While this is an absolutely vital and essential discussion point of the postpartum phase, many women experience a myriad of ailments that are infrequently discussed among women’s groups, physicians, and physical therapists.

Among the most common occurrences in post-partum women can be Diastasis Recti or abdominal wall separation.  The recti abdominis are vertical muscles that run alongside of the anterior wall of the body. The recti adbdominis has the job of holding in your internal organs and providing additional stability to your core.  During pregnancy, hormones have a role in relaxing these muscles to allow for the proper accommodation of the fetus.  After the birth of a baby, some women can experience this separation, while others do not.

For over 40% of women, the recti abdominis does not return to normal without proper treatment. Unfortunately, simple crunches will not work and are most often the cause of exacerbating the problem. Women who have approached physicians who do not specialize in women’s health issues may not get the necessary results for this to correct.

Before any treatment, we recommend you speak to a Women’s Health Specialty Physical Therapist.  It is important to discuss your individual history.  Too many women approach this problem without the full comprehension of the case and possible long-term impact of the problem.

If you are one of the many women who experience or think that you are experiencing Diastasis Recti, please feel free to reach out to us and Dr. Hope Bove will be glad to speak with you privately and discuss your options to find out if women’s health physical therapy is the right fit for your on your road to recovery.

Dr. Hope Bove may be reached directly at 203-957-8162.

Pregnancy and Low Back Pain

Pregnancy and Low Back Pain
Physical Therapy Can Reduce Back and Pelvic Pain During and After Pregnancy

Experts estimate that anywhere from 24% to 90% of women experience low back or pelvic-region pain when they are pregnant. Many women find that this pain goes away when the baby is born. However, more than a third of women still have pain 1 year after giving birth. Physical therapy during and after pregnancy can help decrease low back and pelvic pain. Common treatment options include education, exercise therapy, manual therapy, braces, or a combination of these treatments. Learning new ways to per
form home and work activities as well as relaxation techniques can help ease the pain. A study published in the July 2014
issu eof JOSPT reviewed the best published research to better understand the benefits of physical therapy in treating women with back and pelvic pain during and after pregnancy
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Pregnancy and Physical Therapy

Pregnancy and Physical Therapy

Physical therapy during pregnancy can be useful for remedying common discomforts like back pain or for enhancing your body’s ability to have a smoother pregnancy and birth. Physical therapy is not just for recovery. Talk to your health care provider about incorporating physical therapy into your prenatal care.

The reasons for back pain vary from person to person, but the majority of back pain concerns can be accounted for by one of the following reasons:

  • an increase in hormones
  • a change in the body’s center of gravity
  • gaining additional weight
  • a decline in posture
  • added stress

Over the last 40 years, the average age of women having their first child has risen from 21.4 to 25 years of age. Due to the fact that many women are juggling both the demands of pursuing higher education and the competitive nature of today’s workforce, more women are having their first child after the age of thirty five.

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